We use PowerPoint presentation, video clips, role play, small group exercises and discussion to create a lively experiential learning environment for this first introduction to the principles and methods of NVR.
The workshop will look at:
- Symmetrical escalation and de-escalation;
- Deferred responsiveness;
- Caregiver ‘erasure’ experiences and the concept of caregiver presence
- Positive action methods: announcement, campaign of concern, sit-in, tailing;
- Reconciliation gestures and child focused work in NVR;
- The NVR support network;
- Helping traumatised children and young people process shame;
- Evidence base for NVR.
Dr Peter Jakob
Consultant Clinical Psychologist
With a background in social work, Peter has worked as Clinical Psychologist and Family Therapist in both CAMHS and Adult Mental Health for 35 years, specialising in children and families involved with child protective services. He has in-depth knowledge of treating trauma as the after-effect of childhood sexual abuse and other forms of sexual violence, physical abuse, neglect and domestic violence, as well as extensive experience in providing therapy for parents’ mental health problems.
Peter has introduced Non Violent Resistance to the UK. He has adapted the approach for heavily traumatised, multi-stressed families, and his work with looked-after children has inspired him to develop a child focus in NVR. Peter is a prolific national and international presenter.
Aiming to develop collaborative working relationships in which dialogue can flourish and service users’ experience and perspectives are centred in conversation, Peter considers social awareness as a cornerstone of engaged therapeutic practice.