Association of Charity Officers The Association is the national umbrella body for benevolent charities, that is charities who provide aid and advice to individuals in need. Any charity helping individuals can join the Association.
Asscociation for Infant Mental Health
Association for Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy in the NHS Established in 1981, the APP is an organisation formed to advance the practice of psychoanalytic psychotherapy in the National Health Service and other Public Services. The APP achieves its aims by helping to co-ordinate activities and educational facilities for psychoanalytic psychotherapists working in the NHS and other Public Services but it is not a training organisation, and membership of APP does not confer qualification to work in the NHS as a psychotherapist. The APP represents members' views in the NHS and other public services to encourage the development of a psychodynamic perspective in these settings.
CAMHS Website providing information and links for professionals from health, local authority and the voluntary sector who are involved in the development and delivery of child and adolescent mental health services.
Caspari Foundation The Caspari Foundation is an organisation that helps children with emotional, learning and behavioural difficulties to succeed in school.
Educational Psychotherapy is a method of working with troubled children who struggle with learning. It is a technique that combines psychoanalytic and educational insight and techniques.
Centre for Therapeutic Storywriting Therapeutic Storywriting uses the metaphor in stories to support children whose emotional difficulties are getting in the way of their learning.
Evidence-based research research shows that the approach helps children deal with difficult feelings while also developing their literacy skills. Used in more than 400 schools and recommended by the DfES
Counselling Directory This website is ultimately to provide the UK with a huge counselling support network, enabling those in distress to find a counsellor close to them and appropriate for their needs. This is a free, confidential service that will hopefully encourage those in distress to seek help. The website also contains a number of sections on emotional disorders (types of distress section) and provides some useful statistics. Every counsellor on the site who has submitted their profile has either sent a copy of their qualifications and insurance cover to us, or is registered with a professional body online with recognised codes of ethics and practice, this way we can be assured of their professionalism.
Hands on Scotland HandsOnScotland is an online resource for anybody working with or caring for children and young people. The website provides practical information and techniques on how to respond helpfully to children and young people's troubling behaviour and offers advice and activities on how to help them flourish.
Home Education in the UK A group of families who Home Educate children with Special Educational Needs. “Home Education” is the UK term for what may be better known as Homeschooling. Our children don't attend school, or in some cases may only attend school part time.
If you are Home Educating a child with Special Educational Needs, or if this is something that you are thinking about, then clink on this link for more information.
Hypnotherapy Directory This website is to provide the UK with a huge hypnotherapy support network, enabling those needing help to find a hypnotherapist close to them and appropriate for their needs. This is a free confidential service that will provide those seeking support with all the information they need. Every hypnotherapist on the site who has submitted their profile has either sent a copy of their qualifications and insurance cover, or is registered with a professional body with recognised codes of ethics and practice, this way we can be assured of their professionalism.
Intuitive Horse Intuitive Horse is Equine Assisted personal development through experiential learning. It can help the individual gain insight into behavioural and emotional patterns, how their behaviour may affect others, emotional responsibility and how to quieten the mind and become more present moment. EAPD offers a tangible experience for people and can be worked with along side therapy.
No horse experience is necessary.
OCD Symptoms Extensive advice on the causes and treatments for OCD
The Parent Infant Centre At the Parent Infant Centre we are concerned with the development and mental health of infants and young children. We want each child to have the very best start in life. We have a particular specialism in autism spectrum disorders and the early detection of pre-autism behaviours, for some children as early as three months. As well as providing treatment in our London-based Clinic, we have also developed the School of Infant Mental Health, so that we can reach an even greater number of children by training other professionals to use our approach.
The Parent Infant Clinic is a private clinic, based in London, that provides a range of help to parents and their young children. Following a careful assessment, the Clinic provides interventions that are especially designed for each individual child. We also train health visitors and paediatricians to identify the early signs of alarm, signs that parents are often the first to see.
Our School of Infant Mental Health trains professionals to work intensively with parents and their child to support the child's early development. The School offers a training in Parent Infant Psychotherapy that is recognised by the United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy. The School offers several other short courses, and organises conferences and seminars, both in the UK and overseas.
The Parent Infant Centre is also associated with the charity ipAn - the International Pre-Autism Network. ipAn aims to increase awareness of autism and to promote early identification and treatment. The charity also raises funds to help meet the costs of treatment.
Relate Relationship support in Brighton, Hove, Eastbourne, Worthing and Districts. Relate helps over 150,000 people each year. We will help you whether you are married or not and whatever your age, race, personal beliefs, sexual orientation or social background.
Understanding Childhood Understanding Childhood provides free downloadable information leaflets for families and childcare professionals to help raise emotionally secure children.
Understanding Childhood offers leaflets on children’s emotional development from birth to adulthood. These popular and well-regarded leaflets were written by experienced child and adolescent psychotherapists for the Child Psychotherapy Trust (CPT), which operated successfully from 1987 to 2004.
The leaflets are widely used by families, health visitors, Sure Starts and other child and family practitioners. They are useful in training and parenting education. Evaluation shows that the leaflets provide helpful insights into the emotional development of children.
What About the Children? A small national charity set up in 1994 to raise awareness about the importance of the emotional needs of children under three.
YoungMinds YoungMinds is a national charity committed to improving the mental health of all children and young people under 25. YoungMinds do this through giving advice, training, campaigning and distributing publications. Children and young people are at the heart of all YoungMinds decision-making