Gretchen Precey is an independent social worker, trainer and consultant who specialises in child protection practice. She offers courses on safeguarding at a national level to a variety of multi-agency child welfare groups and continues direct practice as an expert witness and assessor in complex cases for the family court.
*9.45 Registration, tea and coffee for a 10.00 start
6 hours continuing professional development (CPD)
Who should attend?
This level 3 equivalent safeguarding training is specifically designed for psychotherapists working with children.
Fee: £100.00 plus vat - £120.00
Venue: National Council for Voluntary Organisations
Society Building, 8 All Saints Street, London N1 9RL
See - for location details
Application for tickets:
On line - see our web site –
Or contact - The Administrator, CfED, 18a Clermont Road, Brighton, BN1 6SG
Tel: 01273 561511 e-mail address –
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Payment by cheque and credit card - Cheques should be made payable to CfED