A Workshop with Ariel Nathanson: Clinical Work with Children and Young People who are Violent and Self Harm

The workshop will focus on the relational aspects of violence and self-harm. It will start with a discussion about the differences and links between aggression and violence from a developmental perspective and then turn to explore different types of violence (i.e. sadistic & callous Vs self-preservation).  Links will be made to self-harm. It will then turn to explore the challenges of working with violent and self-harming young people, focusing on key clinical concepts relating to this work.

The workshop will provide opportunities for participants to reflect about their own roles in relation to the issues discuss and contribute to the overall discussion. The workshop is aimed to help many professionals tasked with attending to and caring for violent and self-harming young people.


Ariel Nathanson is a Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychotherapist working at the Portman Clinic with young people who are sexually harmful, violent or delinquent. He has previously worked in CAMHS in East London. Ariel has a private clinical practice where he works both with adults and young people presenting with similar and a wider range of difficulties. He works as an organizational consultant, previously to Childhood First, and currently to Three Steps, a company running a few therapeutic communities in Ireland. He is a Clinical Consultant to Project 507, a company working to reduce youth and gang violence in the community and prisons. Ariel’s perspective is psychoanalytic with an emphasis on relational trauma and attachment. He has years of experience providing direct clinical work, assessment, and the application of therapeutic thinking to working in the variety of other roles and settings.

Event Properties

Start: 04/05/2019 10:00
End: 04/05/2019 13:00
Price £60.00
Location Brighton Consulting and Training Rooms
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