DDP Level 1 by Vicky Sutton - FULL -

11th & 12th Jan and 23rd & 24th January 2018 -   9.30 to 4.30 *


Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy (DDP) has been developed by Dan Hughes over the past twenty years as a model of therapy for developmentally traumatized children and their families based on a theoretical understanding of attachment and intersubjective relationships. More recently Dyadic Developmental Practice has been recognized as providing a framework which extends beyond the therapy to also provide network, school and parenting support.

This four day training introduces DDP and the broader framework of Dyadic Developmental Practice within which the therapy is applied. The core components of DDP will be presented and explored through discussion and experiential exercises.

The level one training will provide the knowledge and practice necessary for attendees to apply DDP principles to their work with developmentally traumatised children and their families.

The level one training introduces a framework for therapy and parenting of developmentally traumatized children and is the starting point for certification as a DDP practitioner.

The main text to support this training  is Attachment-Focused Family Therapy Workbook by Daniel A. Hughes, Norton, 2011.  It is recommended that attendees purchase this book.


Who should attend?

This training is suitable for professionals who work with children and young people who have experienced developmental trauma. It is suitable for therapists, counsellors, mental health professionals, social workers, residential workers and other interested professionals who work with developmentally traumatized children and their families.

* 9.00  Registration, tea and coffee for  start at 9.30

28 hours continuing professional development (CPD)


Fee:- £650 plus vat - £780.00   to include lunch and refreshments


Venue: Brighthelm Centre, North Road, BRIGHTON BN1 1YD

Event Properties

Start: 11/01/2018 09:30
End: 24/01/2018 16:30
Price £780.00
Location Brighthelm Centre
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